These are the episodes of our lives.

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#1: Bulletproof Almonds
#2: Fancy Cowboy
#3: All-Day Burrito
#4: Memo to Guillermo
#5: Prison Chef
#6: Scorpion Grenade
#7: Schwimmerfaced
#8: The Last Basilisk
#9: Your David Carradine is No Good Here
#10: Metalstein
#11: Treadmill Cancer
#12: A Bad Case of Dulcet de Leche
#13: Lady Predator
#14: Hail Lillard, Full of Grace
#15: MENSA Cats
#16: Breakfast Tequila
#17: Twitter Vampire
#18: Bugs Love Cups
#19: Draw Circle Compass
#20: 30 Years Worth of Crab Claws
#21: Upside Down and Full of Snakes
#22: Barnbarian
#23: Garbage Peels
#24: Ian McJagger Brand Spaghetti and Weed Balls
#25: Randy 'Macho Dog' Savage
#26: Cross-Country Swin Wrestling
#27: mexican Bologna
#28: La Metayica
#29: The Key to the Eiffel Tower
#30: The Winner's Diet
#31: Jetsons Lentils
#32: Zapatos de Los Muertos
#33: Picnic '92
#34: Hersey Sherps
#35: Space Bears
#36: Gold Mansacks
#37: Dave's Bacon Wok-Corn
#38: Bed Bugs and Beyond
#39: Dust Bats
#40: Evil Wizard Tower
#41: Dick Baby 4000
#42: Buddy and the Friends
#43: Terrariumarium
#44: Space Baby
#45: Tweenman
#46: A Year in the Life
#47: Haunted Towels
#48: Touching Gleebnorts
#49: Anti-Anxiety Hooves
#50: Bjorts
#51: Tuckles
#52: The Compulsory Republic of Latchistan
#53: Everything O. K.
#54: Dolphin Classic
#55: California's Space Needle
#56: The Facelord
#57: Brad Pitt's Curved Knife
#58: Exercising Priest
#59: Bee-B-Gone
#60: Horse Rider
#61: Manticore Vaccine
#62: Macawrana
#63: Fremen Fries
#64: Gaia's Wisdom
#65: Water Ghosts
#66: Rebel-Pattern Baldness
#67: Wasp Cubicle
#68: Mummy Milk
#69: A Buffalo Wing an Hour
#70: The Adventure Chickens
#71: If You Give an Octopus a Cucumber
#72: Butterfly Anchor
#73: Bread Club
#74: Burgess Meredith Hologram
#75: Space Cigarettes
#76: Chris Knife
#77: Neighborhood Mormon Bikini Moms
#78: Blood Glitter
#79: Steak Ray
#80: Showerboxing
#81: Swording Hat